Space for Black Fathers

Let me take you through the journey. Too often there is not a safe space for men to be the best fathers they can be. the court system highly favours women. men are pushed out of the child's life. imagine you seeing your child twice a week simply because you aren't together with the mother, what does that evidently teach a child?

A lot of men are forced to stay with mothers due to their love for the child and they know that if they aren't with the mother they will lose a lot of access to their child. love cannot be controlled or measured from a distance.

imagine saying bye to your child and knowing you have to wait another week to see them again?

imagine being told you are a dead useless human being simply because you don't agree with staying with the person?

Men too often are being destroyed

if feminism was about equality, why do I not see feminists campaigning for the rights of men to have a say in their child's lives?

if men are the enemy why are more men dying in society  due to suicide

toxic masculinity is at the root but so is also the bullying of a toxic privileged feminity in the arena of children!


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