A Social Justice Warriors Dream is societies biggest ill, political correctness gone to far....
It's Shaun Flores reporting from a social justice warriors worst fear. logic, reason, sense, objectivity and impartiality. It’s cold out here because the dream is for inclusivity. How far will inclusivity go till we realize the state shouldn't be involved in personal affairs? How far will emotions dictate the totem pole for the advancement of society?
I begin this with worrying news, in the time we live in, terms are being thrown around in language by social justice warriors in their social liberal ideologies. Political discourse, debates, opposingly factually sound arguments are being dismantled in the name of false titles and labels. Social liberalism is rather emerging as soft fascism, trying to kill free speech and more in the name of screams "hate speech", "Neo-Nazi, “Racist, Homophobic, Transphobic, Fatphobic", the labels keep evolving.
What is a social liberal or a Social Justice Warrior you may first wonder?
I will explain the being a liberal first in the most simple way possible " Modern liberalism can be best explained as, "a viewpoint that all people, regardless of race, gender, sexuality or religion (amongst other things), should be entitled to the same basic rights and freedoms; these rights and freedoms namely being the right to freedom of expression, right to freedom of speech, equal treatment under the law, and a protection from prejudice and discrimination".
Social justice warrior (SJW) is an pejorative term for an individual who promotes socially progressive views, including feminism, civil rights, and multiculturalism, as well as identity politics.
Their ideology at best currently to the most extreme is best defined as "belief in an extreme left-wing ideology that combines feminism, progressivism, and political correctness into a totalitarian system that attempts to censor speech and promote fringe lifestyles while actively discriminating against men, particularly cis white men”. However, the social justice warrior who aligns themselves with liberalism continues to give liberalism a bad.
THEY Are ANYTHING BUT LIBERAL. THEY ARE TOTALITARIANS. LANGUAGE POLICE. RACE BAITING. Soft FASCISTS, soon to become hardline fascists. Left wing and right wing, they are both wings on the very same bird. However, the bird of the social liberal is a bird all too different.
Fascism is “A form of radical authoritarian ultra-nationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society ". Fascism is typically associated with the far right. I debate this and say it’s now been co-opted for the left. They campaigned for it and have indefinitely won to own the rights to fascism.
We are in a fascist time with the policing of language, the offence police and the acceptance of everything under the banner of respect and logic. The fascist barbarians are in the new form of progressive liberalism, knocking on societies door. Knockdown liberal ginger Making society a china shop of fragility, you have to be careful you may offend someone, or someone may be triggered somewhat. An offence is everywhere. The real world is a very harsh place and I fear we are raising a generation who isn't ready for the world. This relates to echo chambers as they keep themselves in a bubble with those who agree with them.
A great worrying example of this is the headline " UNIVERSITY lecturers have been told not to use words in capital letters when setting assignments because it might frighten students into failure". This is the beginning of social justice warriors in the insidious name of political correctness gone too far.
"Staff at Leeds Trinity's school of journalism have also been told to "write in a helpful, warm tone, avoiding officious language and negative instructions". Some blasted the move as "more academic mollycoddling" of the snowflake generation. An "enhancing student understanding, engagement and achievement" memo lists dos and don'ts - with "do" and "don't" among words frowned upon".
This insert was taken from the express newspaper link provided
As a millennial generation, what are we doing? What are we really doing? Capital letters? As a fellow journalist, I am utterly appalled by this. Remember offence isn't given it taken. This thus continues to illustrate the snowflake, politically correct generation.
Individuals such as the infamous Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson & American conservative Ben Shapiro highlight the need for a return to common sense and a common betterment of society. Not ideological weapons, warfare and affiliation with false labels. The shift of self-identification has served and will continue to polarize the nation and the corruption of language has only begun.
This leads me to the notion to Social Justice Warrior Words aren't coined, its appropriated, raised from the original semantic fields and the ground remade in their image. Therefore, rendering the soil infertile, before it is then replanted with seemingly progressive liberal seeds, but it is in fact a completely different crop. The crop isn't nutritious simply because its toxic like the BP oil spill. Social Liberals in contemporary society don't use language, they actually engineer language, which is a regular trope of the ideologically driven periodicals do. The corruption of language is the first beginning of fascism. It is leaking into the ocean of society and its trickling everywhere, into education and even the medical field
Recently there was a case where a man came in identified as a woman, he was unable to receive the right medicine. Self-identity politics has gone too far, and it is a strand if not a civilized, but slowly unravelling itself as a more uncivilized, temperamental. extension of tribalism.
There's one thing we can agree on language is gendered its far from gender neutral only in some respects, but then is this not making a mountain out of a molehill? Or am I "Gaslighting", should I be "cancelled"? Language has become a game of utter semantics. It’s the nitpicking of an over sensitive millennial society who feel entitled to everything when we have not struggled like our parents.
The other side will say that society should be more tolerant, that society needs to move forward and move outside of the binaries we have resided in for centuries. Most of the social justice movements are fringe thinkers who have become big thinks to ascend to the national and politic stages with their views on how to better advance society. I agree society should be more tolerant, but there's a fine line between tolerance and legalized insanity, just as there is a difference between hate speech and free speech. The two can sometimes overlap as the right to think can be offensive to another. Social justice warriors need to live outside of their echo chamber.
SJWs to be associated with liberalism is an insult, rather they are part of a greater problem in our society; the continuing developing and emerging widespread movement intentionally undermining sensible, moderate, intelligent, thoughtful discourse. Progressivism has a place in society but it's for the people to decide, not to be entrenched in law or forced upon the masses.
I begin this with worrying news, in the time we live in, terms are being thrown around in language by social justice warriors in their social liberal ideologies. Political discourse, debates, opposingly factually sound arguments are being dismantled in the name of false titles and labels. Social liberalism is rather emerging as soft fascism, trying to kill free speech and more in the name of screams "hate speech", "Neo-Nazi, “Racist, Homophobic, Transphobic, Fatphobic", the labels keep evolving.
What is a social liberal or a Social Justice Warrior you may first wonder?
I will explain the being a liberal first in the most simple way possible " Modern liberalism can be best explained as, "a viewpoint that all people, regardless of race, gender, sexuality or religion (amongst other things), should be entitled to the same basic rights and freedoms; these rights and freedoms namely being the right to freedom of expression, right to freedom of speech, equal treatment under the law, and a protection from prejudice and discrimination".
Social justice warrior (SJW) is an pejorative term for an individual who promotes socially progressive views, including feminism, civil rights, and multiculturalism, as well as identity politics.
Their ideology at best currently to the most extreme is best defined as "belief in an extreme left-wing ideology that combines feminism, progressivism, and political correctness into a totalitarian system that attempts to censor speech and promote fringe lifestyles while actively discriminating against men, particularly cis white men”. However, the social justice warrior who aligns themselves with liberalism continues to give liberalism a bad.
THEY Are ANYTHING BUT LIBERAL. THEY ARE TOTALITARIANS. LANGUAGE POLICE. RACE BAITING. Soft FASCISTS, soon to become hardline fascists. Left wing and right wing, they are both wings on the very same bird. However, the bird of the social liberal is a bird all too different.
Fascism is “A form of radical authoritarian ultra-nationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society ". Fascism is typically associated with the far right. I debate this and say it’s now been co-opted for the left. They campaigned for it and have indefinitely won to own the rights to fascism.
We are in a fascist time with the policing of language, the offence police and the acceptance of everything under the banner of respect and logic. The fascist barbarians are in the new form of progressive liberalism, knocking on societies door. Knockdown liberal ginger Making society a china shop of fragility, you have to be careful you may offend someone, or someone may be triggered somewhat. An offence is everywhere. The real world is a very harsh place and I fear we are raising a generation who isn't ready for the world. This relates to echo chambers as they keep themselves in a bubble with those who agree with them.
A great worrying example of this is the headline " UNIVERSITY lecturers have been told not to use words in capital letters when setting assignments because it might frighten students into failure". This is the beginning of social justice warriors in the insidious name of political correctness gone too far.
"Staff at Leeds Trinity's school of journalism have also been told to "write in a helpful, warm tone, avoiding officious language and negative instructions". Some blasted the move as "more academic mollycoddling" of the snowflake generation. An "enhancing student understanding, engagement and achievement" memo lists dos and don'ts - with "do" and "don't" among words frowned upon".
This insert was taken from the express newspaper link provided
As a millennial generation, what are we doing? What are we really doing? Capital letters? As a fellow journalist, I am utterly appalled by this. Remember offence isn't given it taken. This thus continues to illustrate the snowflake, politically correct generation.
Individuals such as the infamous Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson & American conservative Ben Shapiro highlight the need for a return to common sense and a common betterment of society. Not ideological weapons, warfare and affiliation with false labels. The shift of self-identification has served and will continue to polarize the nation and the corruption of language has only begun.
This leads me to the notion to Social Justice Warrior Words aren't coined, its appropriated, raised from the original semantic fields and the ground remade in their image. Therefore, rendering the soil infertile, before it is then replanted with seemingly progressive liberal seeds, but it is in fact a completely different crop. The crop isn't nutritious simply because its toxic like the BP oil spill. Social Liberals in contemporary society don't use language, they actually engineer language, which is a regular trope of the ideologically driven periodicals do. The corruption of language is the first beginning of fascism. It is leaking into the ocean of society and its trickling everywhere, into education and even the medical field
Recently there was a case where a man came in identified as a woman, he was unable to receive the right medicine. Self-identity politics has gone too far, and it is a strand if not a civilized, but slowly unravelling itself as a more uncivilized, temperamental. extension of tribalism.
There's one thing we can agree on language is gendered its far from gender neutral only in some respects, but then is this not making a mountain out of a molehill? Or am I "Gaslighting", should I be "cancelled"? Language has become a game of utter semantics. It’s the nitpicking of an over sensitive millennial society who feel entitled to everything when we have not struggled like our parents.
The other side will say that society should be more tolerant, that society needs to move forward and move outside of the binaries we have resided in for centuries. Most of the social justice movements are fringe thinkers who have become big thinks to ascend to the national and politic stages with their views on how to better advance society. I agree society should be more tolerant, but there's a fine line between tolerance and legalized insanity, just as there is a difference between hate speech and free speech. The two can sometimes overlap as the right to think can be offensive to another. Social justice warriors need to live outside of their echo chamber.
SJWs to be associated with liberalism is an insult, rather they are part of a greater problem in our society; the continuing developing and emerging widespread movement intentionally undermining sensible, moderate, intelligent, thoughtful discourse. Progressivism has a place in society but it's for the people to decide, not to be entrenched in law or forced upon the masses.
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