
Showing posts from January, 2019

Robin Hood. A Moor Movie Review

The movie Robin Hood I begin with a solid 8/10 simply because the truth of history was woven into its construct. The Moor played by Jamie Foxx, was an excellent story of how the Moors have helped Europeans throughout the century from the plagues to hygiene and cleanliness during the Black Plague. The Moors have been left out of history one too many times, and black historians have resurrected the truth of African, Arab and European history through the retelling of the Moor's story. In a Shakespearean play called Othello, he was a Moor, that won Desdemona's heart. I recommend that also a worth watch His name in the movie was Yahya ibn Umar a truly complicated name, as English people do. Robin made it easier for himself as British people do he was known throughout the rest of the movie as Little John how convenient. If you are wondering what does Moor mean? It is a black man of African descent or better specifically defined as:  " A member of a north-western Afri...

Space for Black Fathers

Let me take you through the journey. Too often there is not a safe space for men to be the best fathers they can be. the court system highly favours women. men are pushed out of the child's life. imagine you seeing your child twice a week simply because you aren't together with the mother, what does that evidently teach a child? A lot of men are forced to stay with mothers due to their love for the child and they know that if they aren't with the mother they will lose a lot of access to their child. love cannot be controlled or measured from a distance. imagine saying bye to your child and knowing you have to wait another week to see them again? imagine being told you are a dead useless human being simply because you don't agree with staying with the person? Men too often are being destroyed if feminism was about equality, why do I not see feminists campaigning for the rights of men to have a say in their child's lives? if men are the enemy why are more ...

A Social Justice Warriors Dream is societies biggest ill, political correctness gone to far....

It's Shaun Flores reporting from a social justice warriors worst fear. logic, reason, sense, objectivity and impartiality. It’s cold out here because the dream is for inclusivity. How far will inclusivity go till we realize the state shouldn't be involved in personal affairs? How far will emotions dictate the totem pole for the advancement of society? I begin this with worrying news, in the time we live in, terms are being thrown around in language by social justice warriors in their social liberal ideologies. Political discourse, debates, opposingly factually sound arguments are being dismantled in the name of false titles and labels. Social liberalism is rather emerging as soft fascism, trying to kill free speech and more in the name of screams "hate speech", "Neo-Nazi, “Racist, Homophobic, Transphobic, Fatphobic", the labels keep evolving. What is a social liberal or a Social Justice Warrior you may first wonder? I will explain the being a liberal fi...

The Child in Me,

The kid in me, at the park where I grew up. Some of my best memories lay here. On the dirt. on the swings when I had two female best friends who when they recently saw me said "Wow Shaun you're voice is deep, you used to sound like a girl". What can i say? I only use to hang around with girls haha. I truly do wonder why that is? I am now 6ft 2 and the inner spirit truly still lives in me.

An Unpopped Bottle of Champagne

All the fizz is at the bottom waiting to explode. I could say that perfectly describes me at this conjuncture in my life. I prefer to be shaken not stirred, said Shaun, Shaun Flores. On Tuesday I signed to a new modelling fashion agency, linking up with my other modelling agency in Nigeria. The booker described me as a "gentleman a unopened bottle of champagne", if I remember correctly. I laughed because it PERFECTLY described me. Whilst I am here doubting myself, people are afraid of my potential, which is why the potential is encapsulated as fizz at the bottom of the bottle. At the top its flat as I am. I have not popped yet. I have always struggled with for example going to the gym by myself. This year I aim to conquer that mountain and instead of making a mountain out of a molehill. I will turn the mountain into a molehill. Chisel it down refine it as a lexative so it runs through me. God bless Chisora for that ahha Most people believe I am doing so well, for th...

A Glitch In The Black Dad Matrix

The Pink Lipped Brown Skinned Kid, Shaun Flores reporting live from the black political beast. Today we dived in the nursery waters it's really shallow over here. No, I lied we only operate with depth. Earlier in one of the other blog posts. I spoke of being a dad in what I call the ever-present normalised absent black dad Matrix. I pick my son up from his private nursery every Monday and Tuesday. It is indeed saturated with 99% white children, my son is the only black child. Lighter in his complexion like his father and I am the only black parent.  So when I first when to ever pick him up, one of the black female workers said: "I already know who you are here to pick up". I smiled, we found our middle ground. Our middle ground being the united political banner and core of our being. Blackness. The imposter syndrome was present today, as I walked in with my friend to pick up my son. We are both 6 ft 3. We always get stared at walking down the road.  Usually,...